How to do an Airdrop on
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How to do an Airdrop on
Last updated
You can use the 'Airdrop' tab for your collection as a way of sending free NFTs to your collectors, your team or yourself.
An airdrop is nothing more than a way of sending NFTs to different wallets without them having to pay gas or minting fees
For Airdrop-only collections this is the way in which NFTs in your collection get minted, as there is no public collection page. For all other collections, this is a great way of engaging with your community by providing freebie NFTs through giveaways, contests and the like.
Using the Airdrop tab is straightforward. Simply input an address you'd like to send an airdrop to and click 'Add Address'. It will then come up under the 'PENDING AIRDROPS' table. You can add as many individual addresses to the Pending Airdrops table as you'd like before going ahead and sending the Airdrop.
Once you have added all the wallets you want to airdrop NFTs to, start selecting them using the white checkbox to the left of each address. You can only airdrop to 20 wallets at a time. When you're happy with your selection, click 'SEND'. Successfully airdropped wallets will now appear under the 'AIRDROPPED WALLETS' table.